Interns Join The Footprints Team
21.6.24Footprints is very pleased to introduce their two new summer interns from the University of Nottingham - Alex and Brooke.

The charity received a huge number of applications through the university's internship programme and are proud to have Alex and Brooke starting with them over the next couple of weeks.
Alex will be working with Footprints Head of Communications Claire focusing on Communications and PR, and Brooke will be working alongside Head of Income Josie on fundraising and income.
This is the first time Footprints has recruited for interns, and it comes at a fantastic and busy time for the Nottingham based charity, with them just having announced the exciting news that they will be moving location soon.
One of Footprints' past parents Chris actually manages the university internship programme and introducing them to this amazing opportunity, enabling them to grow their team with new creativity and talent.
Find out more about the Footprints team on our website.