Richard Whitehead Visits Mira's School
5.2.24Footprints was thrilled to accompany their Charity Patron, Richard Whitehead MBE, on a recent visit to the Richard Bonington Primary School in Arnold, Nottingham

The visit was to see Mira who comes to Footprints ‘gym club’, a service which is provided for older school aged children, who live with mobility and communication difficultes.
Mira was one of the runners up in Footprints' competition to design Richard’s running blades for the Robin Hood Half Marathon in September 2023. Richard chose Mira's design as a runner up, for having the best impact.
Richard spent time at Mira's school in their morning assembly, where he shared more about his achievements, resilience and inclusion, as well as answering questions.
Mira’s year group then had a special Q&A session with Richard, and she even had the chance to try on his Olympic gold medal!