We Ran with Rich!
2.6.24It was an absolute pleasure to be a part of Run with Rich on Sunday 2 June 2024, with our Charity Patron Richard Whitehead and The Richard Whitehead Foundation.

A fully inclusive event, it was fantastic to see some of our families there, along with two of our Trustees Ryan Clarkson and Helena Bee, our Support Partner Cromwell Safety and the other organisations and participants.
Footprints Business and Charity Manager Stephen Frew and Head of Communications Claire Clarkson were joined by their families, with Sarah and Sam volunteering from our new Charity Partner Scape.
We also unveiled our brand new gazebo today, in our purple fundraising colour, designed and produced by Mini-Marquees.
It’s fantastic to work with The Richard Whitehead Foundation and be a part of Run with Rich, with our shared mission of enabling the potential and ambition of people living with disabilities.